
"Kite Line", hands holding a kite string with a key attached leading to a kite flying

June 17, 2022: A Great Moment to Push Further

Interview with Maru Moro Villalpando of La Resistencia, a project that organizes against the Northwest Detention Center. In this conversation, Maru passes a kite along on behalf of immigrants housed in the facility. As they point out, facilities...

"Kite Line", hands holding a kite string with a key attached leading to a kite flying

June 17, 2022: A Great Moment to Push Further

Interview with Maru Moro Villalpando of La Resistencia, a project that organizes against the Northwest Detention Center. In this conversation, Maru passes a kite along on behalf of immigrants housed in the facility. As they point out, facilities...

"Kite Line", hands holding a kite string with a key attached leading to a kite flying

March 18, 2022: Michigan Abolition and Prisoner Solidarity

This week, we speak with Dan from Michigan Abolition and Prisoner Solidarity. MAPS is an exemplary grassroots abolitionist group, which arose out of the 2016 National Prison Strike and, specifically, the Kinross uprising in the Upper Peninsula of...

"Kite Line", hands holding a kite string with a key attached leading to a kite flying

January 14, 2022: Sick in the Indiana Women’s Prison

This week, we air an interview with WFYI reporters Lauren Bavis and Jake Harper in Indianapolis. They co-host the podcast called Sick, the second season of which focuses on health care issues in the Indiana Women’s Prison. As they share on the show...

"Kite Line", hands holding a kite string with a key attached leading to a kite flying

January 7, 2022- We Understand How They’ll Play with Our Lives in Here

The explosive spread of the Omicron variant has brought our focus back to the COVID-vulnerability the prison system imposes on its captives. This week, we speak to two people — one outside and one inside the walls — dealing with the effects of COVID...

November 5, 2021- The Long Tail of Abuse in the NY Carceral System

This week, we finish our conversation with Kelly Grace Price about the campaign to close Rosie’s. Rosie’s refers to the Rose M. Singer Facility, an all-women’s jail on Rikers Island. On average, Rosie’s detains around 630 women, girls, transgender...

"Kite Line", hands holding a kite string with a key attached leading to a kite flying

November 5, 2021- The Long Tail of Abuse in the NY Carceral System

This week, we finish our conversation with Kelly Grace Price about the campaign to close Rosie’s. Rosie’s refers to the Rose M. Singer Facility, an all-women’s jail on Rikers Island. On average, Rosie’s detains around 630 women, girls, transgender...


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