Episode Summary This week on Live Like the World is Dying, Margaret and Inmn talk about all the stuff that happened in the last month from a collapsing climate and supply lines to the ongoing attacks on abortion access. Host Info Inmn can be found...
On this episode Shuli talked to Aidan Khamis, a Palestinian student at Indiana University Bloomington, about the student encampment established on the campus in solidarity with Gaza (and still existent as of the recording of this episode). Aidan...
Live from the after-after-after party of the Constellation Anarchy-fest in beautiful Montreal Bea, Rob and Io convene an emergency pod after not being able to stop talking about I saw the TV glow. A surreal and beautiful movie for those looking to...
This week on The Final Straw, we’re sharing an interview we conducted in recognition of the upcoming celebration of June 11th International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason and other long term anarchist prisoners. This week you’ll hear Julie...
Summary This month on Strangers we have a collection of poetry by Maria Elle. Escape Plan is a collection of poetry that explores what it means to hold the dreams of the future while grappling with the persistent horrors of now, through the lens of...
Episode Summary This week on Live Like the World is Dying, Spencer and Inmn continue to talk about bikes, how to go about planning a bike packing trip, and the usefulness of bikes in preparedness scenarios. Guest Info Spencer can be found on IG...
In this episode we chat with 3 time PBTS guest Eliza Greenman and her co-worker Kathleen Rhodes at The Savannah Institute about polyploid plant breeding. Polyploidy is a genetic condition where an organism has extra copies of it’s genome in...
This week, we’re sharing two segments. Addameer on Palestinian Prisoners First up, we spoke with Tala Nasser of the Palestinian prisoner human rights group, Al-Addameer which has offices in Jerusalem or Al-Quds, as well as in Ramallah. We speak...
This week, we spoke with an NYU professor about the Gaza encampment movement there. Through this conversation, the global stakes of place-based struggles come to the foreground, as we wrestle with balancing local demands for divestment versus the...
Episode Summary This week on Live Like the World is Dying, Spencer and Inmn talk about bike packing and how cool bikes are. What is bike packing? Where can you ride? What do you need? Find the answers here. Guest Info Spencer can be found on IG...