Showhunger strike

"Kite Line", hands holding a kite string with a key attached leading to a kite flying

December 4, 2020: Caged During COVID

This week, we share two interviews with prisoners confronting rampant COVID-19 infections in their facilities. Cory Cardinal, imprisoned at the Saskatoon Provincial Correctional Centre in Saskatchewan, Canada speaks about the hunger strike they...

"Kite Line", hands holding a kite string with a key attached leading to a kite flying

July 31, 2020: Our Cries Are Falling on Deaf Ears- Prisoners in Florida Speak Out

This week, we share the voices of three prisoners in Florida. Choosing to speak anonymously due to repression, they told us about horrible conditions inside the Florida prison system. They explain the racial injustice in the prison system, the...

July 31, 2020: Our Cries Are Falling on Deaf Ears- Prisoners in Florida Speak Out

This week, we share the voices of three prisoners in Florida. Choosing to speak anonymously due to repression, they told us about horrible conditions inside the Florida prison system. They explain the racial injustice in the prison system, the...

"Kite Line", hands holding a kite string with a key attached leading to a kite flying

July 3, 2020: From Watts to Minneapolis, The Arc of Anti-Police Protest

In this episode, we have two updates from prisoners in California on their conditions amidst the COVID-19 crisis. Afterwards, we speak with Max Felker-Kantor, historian and professor at Ball State University. Felker-Kantor’s particular focus of...


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