Na semana seguinte ao assassinato de George Floyd por quatro policiais, surgiram revoltas em todos os Estados Unidos e em todo o mundo.
Following the police murder of George Floyd, the streets of Minneapolis have erupted into some of the most intense riots the US has seen in years.
The first teaser trailer for System Fail – subMedia’s latest venture into the depraved depths of the news cycle.
O gênero é um meio para a sociedade categorizar as pessoas ao longo de um binário masculino e feminino – categorias que não deixam espaço para as complexidades e nuances de cada ume de nós. Para anarquistas, a ruptura e a reforma do gênero está...
In this episode, subMedia looks at the social construction construction of gender. Reclaiming the telling of your own gender story will be a struggle and it may last your entire life. Don’t do it alone.
These are interesting times. Stay safe. Get organized. Fight hard. Happy May Day.
1º de Maio de 2020, em meio à pandemia, continuamos resistindo!
On April 14th, a group of people drove their cars to Barton jail for a public noise demo. They formed a decentralized crowd that flashed lights and fireworks to let the prisoners know they’re not alone.
The final installment of Trouble looks at anarchist strategies, visions and methods of organizing.
The final installment of Trouble looks at anarchist strategies, visions and methods of organizing.