AuthorFrom Embers

"From Embers" over a picture of a flame, with sprocket holes along top as if on film

Gun Control

Following the mass shootings in Nova Scotia last week, the federal government rushed to impose an extensive and immediate ban of semi-automatic firearms. We reached out to Ron in Edmonton, author of the article “The History of Gun Control in Canada”...

"From Embers" over a picture of a flame, with sprocket holes along top as if on film

Talking About Harm Reduction With Fagdemic

A conversation with the folks behind Fagdemic (“Fag harm reduction for coronaworld”) Lots of practical harm reduction advice around sex, hookups, and substance use (or changes in your substance use) as well as talking about shame...

"From Embers" over a picture of a flame, with sprocket holes along top as if on film

Criminalizing COVID-19

We speak with Alexander McClelland and Zoë Dodd about criminalization in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2016, they published “An Anarchist Response to Hep C & HIV.” We spoke about the Canadian healthcare system, the problem with...

"From Embers" over a picture of a flame, with sprocket holes along top as if on film

Grounding Ourselves Amid The Chaos

An interview with Montreal-based counselling and somatic therapist Parneet Chohan on the Covid-19 pandemic, anxiety, communication, reading the news, and caring for ourselves and each other through troubled times.

"From Embers" over a picture of a flame, with sprocket holes along top as if on film

The Syrian Uprising and Solidarity

An interview with Salam, a member of the Syria Solidarity Collective based in Toronto. We talk about the Syrian uprising, anti-imperalism and the left, the ongoing need for international solidarity with the people of Syria, and more.

"From Embers" over a picture of a flame, with sprocket holes along top as if on film

Reflections from Kanonhstaton

Talking with a non-native anarchist who spent time at Kanonhstaton in 2006, a land reclamation led by members of Six Nations blocking the development of a private subdivision on their territory. We discuss his experience at Six, dynamics on the...

"From Embers" over a picture of a flame, with sprocket holes along top as if on film

#ShutDownCanada: From Oka to Today

This week’s episode features an interview with Gord Hill, a member of the Kwakwaka’wakw nation whose territory is located on northern Vancouver Island and adjacent mainland in the province of “British Columbia.” He has been...

"From Embers" over a picture of a flame, with sprocket holes along top as if on film

Foire D'Hiver/Winter Fair

Conversation with an organizer of this year’s Winter Fair in Montreal: a book/zine fair as well as discussions annd workshops around trauma, dealing with conflict, and building resilient and strong communities of struggle. This year’s...

"From Embers" over a picture of a flame, with sprocket holes along top as if on film

30 Years of OCAP

An interview with John Clarke, a founder and long-time organizer with the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty in Toronto. OCAP has played a key role in the anti-poverty movement in Ontario over the past three decades, deploying a creative variety of...
