Ruth Kinna is a world-renowned political theorist and historian of ideas who has authored numerous books on anarchism, nineteenth- and early twentieth-century socialist thought, utopianism and contemporary radicalism. She is a professor of political...
Ann Hansen is former member of the anarchist organization Direct Action and served over 7 years in prison for her involvement with that collective. She is now living on a self-sufficient farm and works on prison-related issues as a member of the...
Queen Sacheen is co-founder of Ancestral Pride, with whom she has produced many zines. She has spent a great deal of time advising Settler-anarchists on how to be in solidarity with Indigenous resistance movements. She is a warrior who has taken...
John Zerzan is author of numerous publications exploring the pre-modern dimensions of our being. His weekly radio program, AnarchyRadio can be found here: .
Kathy Ferguson is an US-American author, political philosopher, feminist, historian, anarchist, and professor of political science and women’s studies at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. She has authored one of the best critical biographies...
Molly Wickham (Sleydo) is a member of the Gidimt’en Clan of the Wet’suwet’en Nation. She has been tirelessly active in the Wet’suwet’en’ Nation’s assertion of sovereignty over their unceded territories. This interview discusses the...
From Embers will be collaborating with the Victoria Anarchist Bookfair over the next week to bring you some really great audio content that they’re releasing in lieu of an in-person event. Their real-life bookfair is, like so many events...
Radio Pandemic was founded by From Embers and friends just as the COVID-19 crisis hit Kingston, as many people were scrambling to figure out how to navigate the new uncertain terrain of physical distancing, government lockdowns and online organizing...
A conversation with a member of the It’s Going Down collective about their pre-pandemic text “Livewire: Against Automation, Against UBI, Against Capital.” We revisit the text in the context of the pandemic, ever-increasing trends...
In the context of ongoing COVID-19 outbreaks in Canadian prisons and jails, I was curious about other times in history that prisoners have faced similar situations and especially times when prisoners have been released as a result. Today’s interview...