A few weeks ago the From Embers crew took a road trip out east for the Halifax Anarchist Bookfair and to visit friends and family. We had the opportunity to visit the Treaty Camp established by Mi’kmaq people to protect the Shubenacadie River...
Conversation with a former political prisoner in canada about her experiences in the federal system and her recently published prison memoir. We discuss changing prison conditions in the now-closed Prison for Women (P4W) in Kingston and Grand Valley...
An interview with a member of a Montreal-based collective that is researching and raising awareness about police crackdowns in gay cruising areas.
Cruise Control collective page (facebook link)
Ultra Red audio activists, Los Angeles, USA
We return to the rising wave of renters struggles across the province of Ontario. On May 1st, tenants in the Stoney Creek Towers in Hamilton declared a rent strike, demanding that their corporate landlord drop an above-guideline rent increase of...
This episode first aired in May 2018 and featured two interviews with tenant organizers in Ontario. The first interview is with Jason from the Hamilton Tenants Solidarity Network about the East Hamilton Rent Strike launched on May 1st. The second...
Conversations about prison organizing in Canada – interview with a Halifax organizer about the Burnside Jail protest and conversation about Prisoner Justice Day organizing in Nova Scotia and Ontario Burnside prisoners’ statement: Info on...
85 years ago this week, in the midst of another long hot summer, a series of anti-semitic and xenophobic provocations in Toronto escalated into a full blown riot at Christie Pits. Tonight we bring you two interviews to mark the 85th anniversary of...
An interview with a comrade who recently published a critique of Max Stirner’s The Ego And Its Own. We discuss anarchist morality and ethics, why we hate the state, whether anarchism means building a world with no masters or slaves, egoism...
An interview with an anti-fascist based in Montreal. We discuss the history of the Quebec far right dating back to the 1930s, anti-fascist resistance in 1990s Montreal, and the contemporary context, including an important victory against La Meute on...
I talk to Rosa, a friend and anarchist person of colour living in Montreal, about racism, identity politics, identity-based organizing and projects she’s involved with. Thanks to Rosa for the music selections!