Author12 Rules For WHAT

"12 Rules for What", playing on Jordan Peterson logo

8 – Generation Identity

Generation Identity is a pan-European movement on the far right. They use a seemingly neutral (‘remigration’ and ‘the great replacement’) as a code for what they really want: a white ethnostate across Europe and the forced...

"12 Rules for What", playing on Jordan Peterson logo

7 – National Action

National Action was one of the most extreme groups on the far right before they were banned in 2016. One of their members recently came to prominence for have plotted to kill his MP and a police officer investigating him for grooming young boys for...

"12 Rules for What", playing on Jordan Peterson logo

4 – Neofascism?

Neo-fascism describes a set of political attempts by the far right to reform themselves in a way that is palatable to post-War European electorates. What is the use of the term for us? In this episode we discuss neo fascism, and distinguish between...

"12 Rules for What", playing on Jordan Peterson logo

3 – All About Steve

Tommy Robinson, real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, is the ‘great white whale’ of the anti-fascist movement: impossible to pin down and always abe to reinvent himself. He’s been at the forefront of the EDL, has teamed up with...

"12 Rules for What", playing on Jordan Peterson logo

1 – Introduction

The Far Right is building. But it doesn’t always come as a street movement marching in black. Often it’s smarter than that, often more insidious, often more inclined to infect culture than impose itself on the political, and often just...
