67 – Male Violence and State Violence with SLEEC and the Solidarity Apothecary

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Content warning – references to sexual violence, domestic violence, imprisonment and state violence

In this episode, Megan (she/her) and Bryony (she/her) from SLEEC interview Nicole (she/her) from the Solidarity Apothecary. SLEEC (Survivors Leading Essential Education and Change) is a survivor-led organisation that changes conversations, supports survivors and dismantles the roots of male violence. 

Following on from the previous episode about trauma and sexual violence, in this episode they discuss how male violence intersects with state violence. We talk about how the majority of people in prison are also survivors of abuse and male violence and how this complicates the victim-perpetrator binary prevalant in our culture.

Links & resources from this episode

Solidarity Apothecary Links

Find them all at solidarityapothecary.org/podcast/

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Music from Sole & DJ Pain – Battle of Humans | Plant illustrations by @amani_writes | In solidarity, please subscribe, rate & review this podcast wherever you listen.


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