What is PUB? Andrew Leavold Explains

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No-one in Australia can go to a pub right now but Andrew Leavold is still hell bent on making a film called PUB.

The film which is in production is about St Kilda artist, satirist, and musician Fred Negro (real name).

It’s also about the changing face of that Melbourne suburb and the Australian music scene.

Andrew called into the show and we found out all about the film which is currently the subject of a crowd funding campaign.

This film can give us a hope for the future. One day the pubs and live music venues will open again and we’ll be able to watch PUB in a cinema somewhere.

“For me it’s a character study of a neglected, misunderstood and under-appreciated Aussie character who has never received his dues (not to mention a very old mate of mine, so I know EXACTLY the right stories to tell).

It’s also a love letter to St Kilda itself, former bohemian haunt and Mecca of Musical Excess, now tarted up and gentrified to the point where those pockets of grunge that gave St Kilda its disreputable character, its very essence of being, exist as tiny pockets of True Believers. In a very real sense, Fred Negro is like a Davy Crockett and the bars he and his keepers of the Rock’n’Roll flame fiercely protect are the Alamo, surrounded by “Mexicans” in $100,000 sports cars and Gucci suits.”


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