Michigan’s Kinross Prison Strike: Reflections from Inside (w/ Jake Klemp)

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‘Michigan’s Kinross Prison Strike: Reflections from Inside’ is an exclusive archive of audio interviews with people currently incarcerated in Michigan who witnessed and lived through the historic September 2016 prison strike. In this segment we hear the voice of Jake Klemp.

Jake Klemp is a vegan who went on hunger strike to bring public attention to the lack of nutritious food behind bars, particularly for those with spiritual and cultural practices outside the prerogatives of privatized food service providers. His dispatch comes from inside the Baraga Maximum Correctional Facility, where he spent nearly eight months in solitary confinement. Along with several hundred others, he was swept up in the aftermath of the events at Kinross Correctional Facility in September 2016 and hit with an “incite to riot or strike” ticket. In this segment, he begins by describing some of the retaliation he and others faced, such as denial of his required medication.

You can hear more voices from this report on our feed or by visiting www.michiganabolition.org. This collection of interviews was produced by Rustbelt Abolition Radio with the help of MAPS: Michigan Abolition & Prisoner Solidarity. Original music by Bad Infinity.


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